
Company Staff

Crutchfield Surveys was founded by Jerry W. Crutchfield, R.L.S. 1612 in 1990.  Jerry began his career with the Engineering Division of the Tennessee Department of Transportation in 1964, and has worked in various positions in private practice for over fifty years.

Current company president is Tony W. Crutchfield, R.L.S. 1788.  Tony started his full-time survey career in 1990 and has been president of the company since 2002.  Tony is also a Tennessee Certified Floodplain Surveyor (CFS No. TN-024) as well as a TDEC Erosion Prevention & Sediment Control Certified Personnel Level 1 No. 135369

Jerry Crutchfield<br>Founder
Jerry Crutchfield
Tony Crutchfield<br>Owner
Tony Crutchfield
Brent Hope<br>Crew Chief
Brent Hope
Crew Chief
Greg Gibson<br>Mapping Director
Greg Gibson
Mapping Director
Greg Draughn<br>Field Technician
Greg Draughn
Field Technician
Alex Crutchfield<br>Field  Technician
Alex Crutchfield
Field Technician
Anna Crutchfiled<br>Staff Coordinator
Anna Crutchfiled
Staff Coordinator